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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What Makes Sense

It's hard to define the season I am in when I have so many lenses.
Let's see, I have a defensive lens, where everyone else is wrong and I
am right. I have a self pity lens where everyone else is right and I
am the most wrong.  I have a rose colored lens where everyone is right
including me. And I have the lens of the Cross, where Jesus became
wrong when He was the most right! So how dare I have so many lenses,
when there is really one to true lens to see life through... and that
is Christ and Him crucified.

I spend so much time and energy trying to make sense of things.  For
the longest time I thought making sense of things in a trying season
was a good thing.  I mean right!?  What is wrong with trying to make
sense of things in a trying season?  But for me it's idolatrous.  I
think this is idolatrous, because, it's like I am saying to God, "I’m
all in" as long as it makes sense.  How much faith do I need to be
"all in" when it makes no sense, versus me being "all in" when it
makes all the sense in the world?

The cross makes no sense to non-believers, but God says it makes
perfect sense (1Cor. 1:18-20).  So, if I really look towards the
cross, I see perfect humility, perfect submission and for me that will
always make sense in my life.

So today, I say to my God; forgive me for trying to make sense of
things when the Cross of my dear Savior is all I need to make sense.


  1. It is seemingly natural to want to make sense out of situations, especially painful ones. If we can make sense of it, then we can be comfortable or find peace in it. Trying to make sense of things, for me, is like a giant fish out of water. I just flop around all over the place and make no forward movement while I just lay there and die. Trusting God in the moment when nothing makes sense is absolutely the most right thing and brings the most peace and comfort, yet time and time again I try to flop around thinking I'm in control. Thanks for posting this baby, I love you!

  2. Thank you James and Gina for your testimony that remains unshaken by rocky times because of your dependence on Christ, his cross and your crucifixion with him. Blessed to know you, even from afar. Shauna
