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Monday, May 7, 2012

The depth of my sin reveals the Depth Of God's Love

Several months ago, I asked God to open my eyes more to Him. I was waiting for the blissfully overwhelming “good feelings” from a closer God. (When I say closer, I mean to say having my eyes more open to His presence, because the believer is never separated from God). I thought having my eyes more open to God meant my life would be less weighty, but what happened is I became weightier than ever.

I believe what God did was open my eyes more to my sin. Even a lot of the good things I was doing had wrong, sinful motives. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to so many sinful nuances I had been blind to. I believe we have a ton of sinful nuances that we are not even aware of and that it would only take God the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see them. I think we would all be surprised how much we really sin. There are so many cracks and crevices in our flesh where sin can hide. My question is, how does sin hide? I think that's another blog.

At first I couldn't believe this would be the answer to a closer God. It is hard for me to believe that's what God has for me when I pray so fervently for a greater revelation of His presence in my life. God then showed me that the depth of my sin reveals the depth of God's love. God wasn't trying to show me how bad I was as much as He wanted to show me how good He was. I hope you see what an amazing grace this is. The more I see my sin; the more I cling onto His grace from the cross. It's still weightier but there's joy in the midst of weightiness.

In addition, I see that there is really no cure for sin; just death. The patient with sin just dies and there is no hope for a cure just death. Christ became my sin, for which there was no cure, so He died. Jesus couldn't beat sin. However, the good news is He beat death! Now I have the resurrected victorious life of Christ in me, so now when I sin I don't go inward to beat myself up as a form of payment for sin. Now I can live a life of thankfulness and humility because the depth of my sin reveals the depth of God's love.

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