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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You Can't Give Your Brother What He Deserves, Because God Didn't Give You What You Deserve ; Psalm 133 (day 27)

For this lent season, I am doing a forty-day study in the Psalms looking for aspects of the atonement that will end around Easter. My hope is to generate a newfound awe of what Christ did on the cross.

Psalm 133:1
[133:1] Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!

Our unity is one of the most powerful tools we have to show off our loving God to an individualized world. One of the most powerful tools of the enemy is individualism, where man gets his identity from what he makes of himself by himself. You get to worship yourself as your own god; as you marvel at your own accomplishments.

God didn't make us independent; God made us interdependent. Have you ever wondered what keeps us so dis-unified? Or what is the chief opponent to unity? For me the answer is easy. It is either unrepentant sin; or unforgiving sin. In other words one person may not have acknowledged and repented of sin against another or he has repented and the other person has not forgiven him. Can you see the power of a people who live in unity even though we still sin against each other we have love for each other? The only way this happens is through the cross. Christ forgave us so we can forgive others, thus producing a God glorifying unity between His people. The world watches how we Christians  treat each other, and they see we are no different than them. Take some time today and asked God if there is someone you are out of unity with then ask God for the strength to forgive or ask for forgiveness. You see, you can't give your brother what he deserves because God didn't give you what you deserve.

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